

Kerman Travel Guide

Known as a historical city, Kerman has the best and largest pistachio farms in Iran. It produces high-quality pistachios and they export a colossal amount of their production to all around the world. Since it has a rich nature, animal husbandry is a typical profession among the people of Kerman. That is how they have the best quality of raw material for weaving carpets. Accordingly, people of Kerman are amazing carpet-weavers and chief carpet exporters in Iran.

What to Do in Kerman?

Gonbad-e Jabaliye belonging to Zoroastrians, Ganjali Khan Complex, andSanati Contemporary Art Museum are must-see attractions in Kerman. Shazdeh Gardenis also within a one-hour drive to Kerman which you should not miss.

Arg-e Bam Citadel

Arg-e Bam and Shahdad Kalouts are the two must-see attractions in the countryside which you must also visit while traveling to Kerman.

Do not miss on a walking tour in the bazaar to get in the heart of local lives and immerse yourself in their rich culture. Kerman is pretty famous for its sweets especially Kolompe and Komaj. Taste some which are pretty delicious. Bam and Kerman are so well-known for date production as well. Try some date with original Persian tea to feel like a local. Pate is also folk and traditional needlework in Kerman that are woven on a variety of cloths which can be suitable souvenirs for your loved ones.   

When is the Best Time to Visit Kerman?

Since Kerman is right in the corner of southeast Iran, the province has hot days and cold nights. The best time to have a trip to Kerman is from March to May since the weather is temperate and something between 17° to 25° C.

Sister Cities

Unesco Sites

– Arg-e Bam
– Meymand, Kerman
Dasht-e Lut
Persian gardens

kerman WEATHER

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Places to Eat

Keykhosro House Restaurant - Kerman - TAP Persia


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Arg-e Bam Citadel

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Top Attractions to Visit in Kerman

1. Fath Abad Garden

Fath Abad Garden or Biglerbegi Mansion belongs to the Qajar period. This garden was very prosperous once. That’s why its construction style became the model for the construction of the Shahzadeh Mahan Historical Garden. Currently, the Fath Abad Garden has been renovated. And the tree-lined paths, the large pond, and the eye-catching night lighting are its great features. You can also use the facilities such as a restaurant and a teahouse to make your visit more enjoyable.Fath Abad Garden - Kerman - Iran

Let me add that this garden is one of the largest and most diverse gardens in growing medicinal plants in Iran.

2. Ganj Ali Khan Complex

Ganj Ali Khan is a complex in the historical center of the city and next to the Grand Bazaar of Kerman. They built it during the reign of Ganjali Khan – one of the famous rulers of Shah Abbas. More importantly, this masterpiece of 11,000 square meters was built in the style of Isfahani architecture.

This complex consists of different sections such as hammam, bazaar, mosque, school, caravanserai, etc.

3. Kerman Grand Bazaar

Kerman Bazaar has the longest row among Iranian bazaars. It is a good place to buy souvenirs and handicrafts of Kerman if you wish. This bazaar contains more than 60% of the historical monuments of this city. So, not only can you enjoy shopping and eating delicious food, you can set your eyes on Iranian traditional architecture at any corner.

For insights into entrance fees for Iran’s historical places, look no further than this post!

4. Jabaliyeh Historical Dome

According to some, this large octagonal dome made of stone and gypsum was a fire temple or tomb of a Zoroastrian. They also call it Gabri Dome. Some believe it dates back to the Seljuk period and others to the Sassanids. All this adds to the ambiguities about this place. Curiously, some say they used camel milk instead of water in its construction.

Today, this building is a stone museum.Jabaliyeh Historical Dome - Kerman - Iran

5. Kerman Zoroastrian Fire Temple

The Zoroastrian fire temple of Kerman is the last fire temple of this province. This Fire Temple is also the Museum of Zoroastrian Anthropology. Without a doubt, it is the only anthropological museum of the Zoroastrian community in the world.

Unbelievably, according to the priests and historians, the fire in this ancient fire temple is the same sacred and pure fire of several thousand years that was transferred from the temple of Verhram in India to Iran.

6. Vakil Hammam (Bath)

They built Vakil Hammam (Iran destinations)in 1863, according to the style of Zandieh and Qajar architecture. In recent years, this bath has become a traditional teahouse. At present, guests are served with Kermani Faloodeh, tea, and a variety of drinks. In the other part of this bath, there is a restaurant that serves delicious local food.

7. Yakhdan-e Moayedi or Moayedi Icehouse

Yakhdan-e Moayedi, with its special architectural features and under the close supervision of ice makers, provided a part of the ice that people needed for a long time. You can learn more about examining the mechanism of ice-making and its storage for other seasons, in this old Icehouse.

8. Takht-e Dargah Gholi Beyg

Takht-e Dargah Gholi Beyg - Kerman - IranTakht-e Dargah Gholi Beyg is the tomb of the head of the Afshar tribe, one of the rulers during the Safavid period. This place is one of the most beautiful historical monuments and sights of Kerman.

Gholi Beyg was the only famous person from the Afshar tribe whose name remained on the tongues for 150 years after Ganjali Khan.

9. Malek Mosque

Malek Mosque dates back to the Seljuk period (10th century). It is one of the most important historical mosques in Kerman and is the largest in the city. Malek or Imam Mosque is a four-Iwan mosque.

There are traces and signs of repairs in different historical periods. This mosque is still active as a religious center and is used for prayers.

10. Pardisan Park

Among the Sahib al-Zaman mountains of Kerman, there is a park with a man-made forest. It is the largest man-made forest in Iran. on holidays, many families go to this park for fun and entertainment. The mountains of this region are also a good place for climbers.

11. Qal’eh Dokhtar or Anahita Fire Temple

Dokhtar Castle, also the Old Castle, is located in the eastern hills of Kerman. This building dates back to pre-Islamic times. Clay and adobe are the only things they used to build it. This castle was the temple of ancient Anahita.

12. Kerman Grand Mosque or Mozaffari Grand MosqueKerman Grand Mosque - Iran

Mozaffari Mosque, known as the Kerman Grand Mosque, is a historic mosque with unique and magnificent architecture. It attracts the attention of any tourist. It dates back to 1349. They built this historical monument during the reign of Amir Mobaraz al-Din Mohammad Mozaffar. He was the head of the Muzaffar dynasty. However, in later periods, this structure went through extensions and repairs.

This four-Iwan mosque, which has a high entrance, porch, nave, mosaic tiles, etc. has been on Iran’s National Heritage List since March 3, 1961.

13. Kerman National Library

They built the National Library of Kerman during the first Pahlavi era, on Shahid Rajaei Street, Khorshid Street. This one-story brick building is located in the middle of a beautiful area full of cypress trees, ponds, and fountains.

14. Moshtaghieh Dome or the Three Domes

Gonbad Moshtaghieh or the Three Domes is located near the old cemetery of the city. This building dates back to the Qajar period. It used to be outside the city and next to the old cemetery. Today, however, it is located in an urban area. Moshtaghieh Dome is the burial place of Mushtaq Ali Shah, one of the famous Sufis of the 13th century AH.

He was the person who invented the fourth string of Setar (a traditional Iranian instrument). This string is now known as the Mushtaq string. In addition, other great personalities such as Kowsar Ali Shah Hamedani and Sheikh Ismail Herati are buried in this place.

Museums to Visit in Kerman

Holy Defense Garden Museum - Kerman - Iran

1. Holy Defence Garden Museum

Kerman Holy Defence Garden Museum is one of the largest garden museums of Holy Defense in Iran. The architecture of this complex is inspired by the Iranian and traditional architecture you can see in Kerman. In this museum, there are items to keep alive the memories of the war and the bravery of the men who sacrificed themselves.

2. Coin Museum

Making coins and printing banknotes has changed a lot since the beginning of their existence. And for sure, it has not always been as easy as it is today. Kerman Coin Museum is a place that shows you the process of these changes during history. You will learn a lot about Iranian coins in different eras, here.

3. Harandi Garden Museum

In the center of the city, there is a surviving building from the Qajar period, Harandi Garden Museum. You can see Iranian and non-Iranian architectural elements with a beautiful combination here. This complex consists of a garden, a central building, two museums, etc. The museums are the archeological museum and the museum of traditional instruments.

4. Kerman Sanati Contemporary Art Museum

In Kerman, on Shariati Street, there is a beautiful Iranian traditional door. The door leads you to Sanati Contemporary Arts Museum. The museum is full of rich and exquisite treasures of great domestic and foreign artists. Half of this museum is dedicated to the exhibition of works by Master Seyed Ali Akbar Sanati. And the other half is related to the works of 83 contemporary Iranian artists and 16 foreign artists.

Top Attractions around Kerman

1. Tomb of Shah Nematullah Vali MahanTomb of Shah Nematullah Vali Mahan - Kerman - Iran

Shah Nematullah Vali was an Iranian poet and mystic (born in 1330). He created a new method in Sufism called the Nematullahi. It is one of the popular branches of Sufism in the present era. His tomb in the city of Mahan is a spectacular attraction in Kerman province. It’s a gathering place for dervishes.

In addition to its cultural value, this place has gone through the architectural effects of 6 centuries. Plus it has a relaxing and beautiful atmosphere.

2. Shahzadeh Mahan Historical Garden

Shahzadeh Mahan Garden is exactly looking at a miracle in the heart of the desert. This garden is one of the most dazzling attractions in Iran, with its soul-friendly atmosphere that gives you peaceful moments. Mahan Garden is of great architectural importance, as well.

3. Arg-e Rayen or Rayen Citadel

After Bam Citadel, Rayen Citadel is the second largest brick structure in the world. From the Sassanid era, just until 150 years ago people lived here. No ruler in history had been able to conquer Rayen. Proudly, it was an impenetrable fortress in the history of Iran. In terms of architecture, appearance, and used materials, it is so similar to Arg-e Bam. But, it is a quarter of Bam Citadel.

4. Arg-e Bam or Bam Citadel

Arg-e Bam - Kerman - IranIn fact, Arg-e Bam was an ancient city with a large collection of tall and enclosed buildings. You can recognize the two heterogeneous textures of the city. One for the royalty and another for the public, each with its own building and function. The citadel is located on the Silk Road and flourished until 1850. But it is not clear why people left it.

Until December 26, 2003, Arg-e Bam carried the title of the largest brick structure in the world. But unfortunately, it collapsed due to a severe earthquake. And its reconstruction is still ongoing.

5. Darvish Khan Stone Garden

This garden consists of dry trunks on which stones are hung. They say a deaf and dumb man named Darvish Khan built it. The story goes on that he did so in the grief of losing his lands after applying a new law in 1962. This attraction is one of the mysterious phenomena of Iran.

6. Kalut Shahdad Desert

Kalut Shahdad Desert is one of the natural wonders of Kerman province. Unforgettable structures, when viewed from afar, are reminiscent of an ancient and desolate city.

Through the Kaluts of Shahdad, a soft wind whispers in the ear. And invites you to watch the dignity of the desert. If you are among the Kaluts at sunrise or sunset, only the words of praise will come into your mind. As the sun sets, the stars calmly find themselves turning the black sky into the most beautiful image in the world.

7. Simak WaterfallsSimak Waterfalls - Kerman - Iran

35 kilometers away to the north of Kerman city, in Kuhpayeh village, there are 13 different waterfalls in Simak. There is also a camp in this area. These 13 waterfalls are a suitable place for hikers, mountain climbers, and rock climbers.

If you want to climb these waterfalls, make sure you have enough skills and have the necessary equipment.

8. Sirch Ski Resort

Sirch Ski Resort is the largest ski slope in southeastern Iran.  This track is located on the old Kerman-Bam road. And you can reach the resort after crossing the sirch tunnel.

9. Meymand Rocky Village

Meymand is a historical village that is famous for its mysterious rocky architecture. This village with an area of ​​420 square kilometers of human-dug houses is one of the most important villages in Iran and the world. Surprisingly, life is still going on in these houses. And its people have preserved many traditions of their ancestors.

10. Rageh Canyon

Rageh Canyon - Kerman - IranRageh is a unique valley. When you enter it, it is as if you have stepped into an adventure movie. For millennia, the permanent river has carved rocks to create such beauty and grandeur. In the heart of the canyon, as you walk, you cross the cliffs and the water of the river.

If you stand on the top of the valley, as far as the eye can see is the pristine and peaceful lands. Many consider this miracle, paradise in the desert.


Yazd is the city of qanats and windcatchers. It’s the world’s first raw clay city. And the second living historical city in the world after Venice, Italy. The locals are famous for being calm, dignified, and hard-working people. These genius people had made it possible to live in the heart of the desert with their architectural skills. I’m talking about qanats and windcatchers. The first fulfilled their need for water and the latter cooled down their houses.

famous Kerman dishes


What does Kerman have to offer?
Kerman has kept many stories in itself from its famous Lut Desert to Arg-e Bam and other historical attractions.
What is Kerman known for?
Kerman is best known for its desert, Lut, Arg-e Bam, Kaluts, and Kerman Bazaar Complex.
What kind of special food does Kerman have?
Besides every traditional Persian food, Kerman’s special food is Boz Ghormeh.
Where should I go in Kerman?
Kerman is an amazing city with a rich culture, so you have a lot to see. But make sure to go to the Lut desert and enjoy this UNESCO Heritage site.

What kind of transportation is better to be taken in Kerman?
The best kind of transportation in Kerman is taxi.
How many people live in Kerman?
The population of Kerman in 2020 is 541,000 people.
Should we expect to see night life in Kerman?
You can always go for a walk and enjoy the atmosphere of Kerman.

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